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Planning and Information

Planning and Information

The Planning and Information Directorate is one of the three (3) directorates in the Corporate Services Division of the Office of the Auditor General (OAG). It comprises two sections namely Planning, Quality Control, Research and Development Section and Management Information System (MIS) Section. The two Sections are headed by Assistant Directors who report to the Director Planning and information.

The function of the Directorate is to ensure that the Office develops and implements all the Directorate Plans within the overall direction of Government priorities. The responsibilities of each section under this Directorate are stipulated as follows:

1. Planning Research and Development Unit
This Unit carries out Planning functions that include the periodic reviews and appraisals of OAG’s mission, goal and objectives, co-ordinating OAG’s work plans, maintaining the client data base and co-oordinating the production of the Auditor General’s report among others.

Research and Development functions include providing the OAG with knowledge of external and internal environment. Surveys and Researches are conducted to provide the OAG with relevant information related to current trends in Public Audits.


2. Quality Control, Reporting and Co-ordination Unit
The unit is responsible for ensuring adherence to the application of auditing standards, principles and procedures and to see to it that the final output is of high quality.

The Reporting function includes ensuring that all the Auditor General’s reports and any other special reports are properly compiled, published and submitted to Parliament on time. The unit also processes accountability committees of parliament matters and attends to outstanding Audit issues in liaison with officials from respective accountability committees, Ministry of Finance and controller of Internal Audits.

The Co-ordination function of this unit includes monitoring and evaluation of OAG plans and other activities. It also co-ordinates and compiles works from other directorates.
Under this function, periodic reviews of the organizational structure are done to ensure that there is effective co-ordination and communication amongst directorates.


Information Technology Section
The Information Technology section comprises of the Systems Development and Support unit and Hardware, Networks and Communications unit.

  1. Systems  Development  and  Support  Unit
    conducts needs assessment and feasibility studies to determine systems requirement for the office.
  2. Hardware, Networks and Communications Unit is
    responsible for designing appropriate hardware, network Technology System infrastructure, implementing the Network and communication Network, coordinating the Procurement and Installation of appropriate IT Hardware, etc.